Agri-Waste - Inspection Services

Jeffrey Vaughan



B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Agronomy
M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, Soil Science

Dr. Vaughan has served AWT since March of 1998 as a lead agronomist and soil scientist. Jeff developed a love for the land from a young age by spending time on his Grandparents’ farms in northern Granville County.  Jeff also enjoyed assisting his Dad, a Professor in Biological Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech, on research projects while he was a teenager and college student.  Dr. Vaughan is a Certified Crop Advisor, Certified Professional Agronomist, Certified Professional Soil Scientist, NC Licensed Soil Scientist, a NC Certified Septic System Inspector, and a NC Subsurface Water Pollution Control System Operator. Dr. Vaughan is a member of the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, the Soil and Water Conservation Society, and the Soil Science Society of NC. Dr. Vaughan’s responsibilities include agronomic evaluations for cropland, soils evaluations for wastewater system (agricultural, municipal, industrial, residential and commercial) suitability, wastewater system inspections, wetland delineations, and wastewater system designs.  Jeff currently leads the well/septic system inspections sector and the septic system operations sectors.

Jeff Vaughan recently received his NC Authorized Onsite Wastewater Evaluator (AOWE) certification.  Jeff was part of the inaugural training/examination class for this certification.  The AOWE certification came about from recent NC legislation and allows the certification holder to write permits for certain types of septic systems in lieu of the local county health department.  We look forward to seeing how this program operates and evolves in NC in the future.