• icon Certified Crop Adviser, Certified Professional Agronomist
  • icon Licensed Geoscientists/Soil Scientists
  • icon Nutrient Management Specialists, Professional Engineers


Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. (AWT) is a full-service Professional Engineering and Consulting Firm, located in Apex, North Carolina. For three decades, AWT has provided environmental services to agricultural clients nationwide and in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China and Russia.

AWT strives to exceed all client expectations. Our professional staff works one-on-one with each client to determine project goals in order to provide the most effective and cost-efficient services tailored to the client’s specific needs.

Service Requests

  • NRCS

    AWT has been serving agricultural clients since 1984 and as a Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical Service Provider since 2004. AWT provides nutrient management, irrigation management, energy audits, engineering and consulting services, with extensive expertise in manure management. AWT’s full-time staff consists of agricultural engineers, agronomists, certified crop advisers, licensed soil scientists and GIS/GPS mapping specialists.

  • Consulting

    Since 1984, AWT has been a national leader in providing professional engineering services to the livestock industry. AWT has a highly qualified and experienced staff that can provide the services you need. Our staff consists of professional engineers, licensed soil scientists, professional agronomists, certified crop advisors and GIS mapping technicians.

  • Design

    AWT has provided engineering design services to the livestock industry since 1984. We specialize in designing systems for clients that are customized for a particular site. Each project is led by an experienced agricultural engineer to ensure the project is performed well and within budget.

    Whether you are planning a new site or retrofitting an existing one, the manure management system will be one of the largest capital investments you will make. It is important to consider the total cost of ownership to ensure that the system you install will be cost effective and will provide the treatment and storage capacity to handle your existing and future needs. Let AWT help you with this important planning process. Our design engineers have planned, designed and provided ongoing support for dozens of systems throughout the United States.

    1. Choosing the type of system (lagoons, storage ponds, digesters).
    2. Sizing the system to meet current and future needs.
    3. Liners, covers and other considerations.
    4. Considerations with respect to the total cost of ownership.
    5. Design of mortality management systems (composting, burial, incineration).
    6. Design of irrigation and other disposal systems.

    Contact AWT today to discuss your project and how we can provide expert guidance.


    SC DHEC Agricultural Permitting

    Chris Mosley

    We were contacted by a SC poultry producer planning to add two production barns to their farm. Expansions require an agricultural permit and a stormwater permit from the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. Our first step was to collect the information we needed to apply for an agricultural permit.  In order to minimize […]


AWT Reduce Farmer’s Utility Bills

Julie Davidson

Helping Producers Across the Country   AWT is deeply rooted in agriculture. We work across the country to help Producers improve their facility in areas like waste management, irrigation management, crop production, and Energy.  Energy is a buzz word and rightfully so. Saving energy and money go hand in hand. It is easy to understand […]

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Pork Leadership Logo


Adam Gaines Nominated to the Pork Leadership Carolina Program

Julie Davidson

Adam Gaines, a Senior Project Engineer & NC Technical Specialist for AWT was selected to be on the Pork Leadership Carolina Program by the NC Pork Council. Adam specializes in Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans, Energy Management Plans, and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans to help swine farmers optimize their operations.Adam is honored to be a part of the […]

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Get In Contact

AWT has extensive experience regarding Agricultural, Environmental, & Land Development Projects. If you put that experience to work for you we guarantee you will appreciate the difference that one-on-one service makes.

Adam Gaines P.E. & TSP

Senior Project Engineer