BioGas Carbon Verification-Case Study

Optima KV is a swine facility. They utilize an anaerobic digestor to capture and process biogas from their farms. The biogas is ultimately converted into a high quality renewable natural gas then made accessible to local utility.

This Case Study describes the verification process with AWT and how  OPTIMA KV’s annual carbon reduction is equivalent to 3,000 vehicles from the road!

Case Study for Carbon Credit Project


Why Use AWT for Carbon Verification?

Julie Davidson

AWT has become experts in the field of sustainability especially in terms of carbon verification. Meet our team of experts and see how AWT help clients reach their carbon offset goals

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BioGas Carbon Verification-Case Study

Julie Davidson

Optima KV is a swine facility. They utilize an anaerobic digestor to capture and process biogas from their farms. The biogas is ultimately converted into a high quality renewable natural gas then made accessible to local utility. This Case Study describes the verification process with AWT and how  OPTIMA KV’s annual carbon reduction is equivalent to […]

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