In 2014, AWT was contacted by a Project Developer regarding the verification of a livestock offset project under the California Air Resource Board’s “Compliance Offset Protocol for Livestock Projects”.
The project is located on a dairy farm in New York State. Waste water from the dairy herd was routed to an anaerobic digester where methane gas was captured. The captured methane was destroyed as it was used to fuel electrical generation equipment. This project activity provided several benefits to the farm operation. First, the electricity produced by the project was sold to the local electrical utility. The farmer could also claim Carbon Offset credits based on the records that were kept regarding the project activity. These credits can then be sold to regulated California industries to offset their own emissions.
The project developer needed a certified carbon offset verifier that had the experience to efficiently perform the verification activities, was knowledgeable about farm operations and manure management practices and could provide the services on time and within budget.
AWT was hired by the Project Developer to provide a third-party audit of the project activities. AWT developed a fixed, turnkey quote that was provided to the project developer in a written proposal. The proposal also provided information regarding the verification team, their credentials and experience in providing carbon offset verifications. After a review of the proposal, the project developer hired AWT to provide the verification services.
AWT began the project shortly after the proposal was approved. The project was started through an evaluation of the team members to ensure that there were no conflicts of interest or problems with impartiality. AWT worked with the project developer to obtain records and documentation regarding the project that could be reviewed prior to a site audit. The site audit was performed at the farm and included representatives from AWT, the project developer and the farmer. The project components were closely reviewed to ensure that AWT had a thorough understanding of the system operation, the monitoring and record keeping system and other pertinent information required by the Protocol.
AWT staff also performed a desk audit of the documentation that was provided by the project developer. The desk audit is simply a review of the records and calculations that were developed by the project developer and farmer. These records and calculations are compared to the requirements of the ARB Protocol. During the desk audit, AWT will send a written log of questions, clarifications of corrections related to the information provided. Once these issues have been closed out, a final report was developed and provided to the project developer for review and approval. This report was provided to the offset registry and the California ARB for review and approval. The offset credits were then issued to the project developer by the California ARB.
,‘The project developer needed a certified carbon offset verifier that had the experience to efficiently perform the verification activities, was knowledgeable about farm operations and manure management practices and could provide the services on time and within budget.’
AWT has completed numerous carbon offset verifications for project developers throughout the United States. We were founded on providing professional services to agricultural and livestock operations and we can bring that experience and expertise to your verification project. Contact us if you would like a free, no obligation quote on your next verification project.