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These web pages and contents are Copyright © 1984-2015 Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. (known hereafter as “AWT”), of Apex, NC. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The materials contained in these pages are the sole property of AWT, and are fully protected by the provisions of the U.S. Copywright Act (U.S.C. Title 17). The right to use these materials is limited to AWT, and its employees. Such rights are granted under the fair use provisions of the aforementioned U.S. Code (Chapter 1 §107).
We further restrict the use of these materials and the name “Agri-Waste Technology, Inc.” by prohibiting the following, without limitation:
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Within this context, we encourage you to use these materials — and to offer us suggestions for making these materials more useful to you.
E-mail: [email protected]