Soil Testing

Soil Evaluation for On-site Wastewater Systems (Perc Testing)

AWT routinely assists landowners, real estate agents, and land development clients on small scale and large scale soil evaluation studies for on-site wastewater systems. If you are looking to subdivide property that will not have municipal water/wastewater services, then AWT can assist.  If you’ve been turned down for a permit by the county or state, then contact AWT for assistance on possible alternative systems.


Soil Studies for Land Application of Residuals

AWT assists with permitting and compliance monitoring for residual application firms. Possible services include: site/soil/agronomic evaluations for residuals application land (Soil Scientist Reports and Agronomist Reports), soil sampling for nutrients & metals, RCRA required sludge sampling, recordkeeping, sludge/nutrient application recommendations, annual compliance reporting, and project management.


Flood Soil & Hydric Soil Evaluation/Permitting Assistance

Assist homeowners and property developers with mapping flood soils and delineating soil boundaries for various construction activities.


Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation

Confirm depths to restrictive features for stormwater device planning and land development potential.


Infiltration, Permeability (Ksat), and Modeling

Offer a full spectrum of wastewater and stormwater system site testing and design requirements. Deep borings and lateral flow analysis for large system design & permitting assistance.

Get In Contact

AWT has extensive experience regarding Agricultural, Environmental, & Land Development Projects. If you put that experience to work for you we guarantee you will appreciate the difference that one-on-one service makes.

Chris McGee, L.S.S.