Professional Engineers and Soil Scientists
Certified Wastewater Operators and Inspectors
Leaders in Innovative Design Principles
Wastewater Design
The proper management of wastewater is critical to public health. Historically, advances in wastewater collection, treatment and disposal reduced the presence of disease in the general public. Many of these advances focused on large collection systems, centralized treatment of the collected wastewater and direct discharge of the treated wastewater to a water source. While the traditional methods have worked well and continue to work well in densely populated areas, advances in technology and innovative ideas are allowing for a technological shift in wastewater management. This shift has been driven by many factors including serving an increasing population, development occurring at greater distances from the centralized systems, and tighter regulatory restrictions on the direct discharge of treated effluent.
The technological shift is towards a de-centralized concept consisting of on-site treatment combined with soil based disposal systems. The de-centralized approach is a cost and technology effective methodology for the management of wastewater. Advantages to using a de-centralized approach include decreased cost, minimized infrastructure requirements that can be matched with development, and ease of system operation and management. Soil based disposal systems are also very effective for dealing with nutrient loads contained in wastewater and also for handling the increasing presence of pharmaceutical compounds present in wastewater.
AWT specializes in the de-centralized approach for wastewater management. We have tremendous experience in wastewater collection, treatment and disposal or utilization for individual homeowner, community based and commercial systems as well as assisting municipalities that land apply wastewater. We are able to combine our soil evaluation and engineering experience to provide a solution to the wastewater challenges of our clients.