• icon CARB and ANAB Accredited and Verifier
  • icon Carbon Offset Verifier Since 2006, Low Carbon Fuel Standard Verifier Since 2020
  • icon All Project Verifiers are Licensed Professional Engineers or Engineers in Training

Carbon Verification

Greenhouse gas emissions are an environmental concern due to increases in fossil fuel use as the global population continues to increase.  Governments and private organizations across the globe are working towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  One reduction strategy is the development of carbon offset projects that reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of non-regulated entities.  AWT has been working with these project developers since 2006 to help ensure that their carbon offset projects are appropriately following established monitoring and quantification protocols.

Service Requests

  • Validation/Verification

    AWT is accredited as a verification body by the California Air Resources Board (Executive Order H2-16-012) for livestock and mine methane projects and (Executive Order H3-20-002) for low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) data reports.

    AWT is accredited by ANAB as a verification body under ISO 14065 for fuel combustion (group 1), industrial processes (group 2), livestock (group 5) and waste handling and disposal (group 6) projects.

  • Agri-Waste Technology - Nullam Pharetra


    For clients who are not receiving carbon offset project verification services from AWT, we can assist in evaluating the potential a project has for the production of carbon offsets as well as guide clients through the development of required project documentation. Greenhouse Gas emission offsets can be created by collecting and destroying or utilizing biogas created from anaerobic treatment of animal manure, organic waste or municipal solid waste, composting organic waste and a variety of forest management systems.

  • An Affordable Wastewater Solution for Single-Family Homes


    Carbon Offset Verification

    Chris McGee

    In 2014, AWT was contacted by a Project Developer regarding the verification of a livestock offset project under the California Air Resource Board’s “Compliance Offset Protocol for Livestock Projects”.  The project was located on a dairy operation in New York State.  Waste water from the dairy herd was routed to an anaerobic digester.  The digester […]


    Optima KV Carbon Verification -Case Study

    Julie Davidson

    Optima KV connects 5 swine farms to a central biogas upgrading station where the methane gas is upgraded into pipeline-quality renewable natural gas. Each swine farm diverts its waste into a covered lagoon, where it undergoes anaerobic digestion. The microbes release methane which, as a lower density gas, inflates the lagoon cover. The biogas is […]

Agri-Waste Technology - Cows Grazing


Criteria for Choosing a Verification Firm for Livestock Carbon Projects


Owners and developers of agricultural livestock projects often wish to take advantage of the carbon offset credits for capturing and destroying methane emissions from their operation.  In order to do so, each project must be verified against a standard protocol developed by an offset registry.  Registries have rules that require a third-party to verify the […]

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Case Study for Carbon Credit Project


BioGas Carbon Verification-Case Study

Julie Davidson

Optima KV is a swine facility. They utilize an anaerobic digestor to capture and process biogas from their farms. The biogas is ultimately converted into a high quality renewable natural gas then made accessible to local utility. This Case Study describes the verification process with AWT and how  OPTIMA KV’s annual carbon reduction is equivalent to […]

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Get In Contact

AWT has extensive experience regarding Agricultural, Environmental, & Land Development Projects. If you put that experience to work for you we guarantee you will appreciate the difference that one-on-one service makes.

Hal Langenbach, P.E.

VP Agricultural and Environmental Services, Lead Verifier